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Born in London in 1936, I am now the Elder of the French Clean Community. After meeting David Grove through my NLP connections, I trained in his avant garde method of dealing with trauma through metaphor, joining also the work of Penny Tompkins and James Lawley  known as “Symbolic Modelling”. In 2000, as an NLP Trainer , I introduced this work to my colleagues at the annual NLP Conference. From then on, I ran ongoing trainings with Penny, James and David in my training centre in Normandy.

I now specialize in my role as Therapist and Coach in Clean Processes.

My specificity has been to bridge different cultures, introducing exciting methods from the Anglo-Saxon world of Psychology and Management Training not yet translated and used in France. In this role I was one of the founders of NLPNL introducing la PNL and I played the same bridging role from 2000,  by introducing  David and his Clean Language then Clean Space and Emergent Knowledge to a small group of French enthusiasts.

I enjoy finding new methods, first in language teaching then later in psychology and training. I meet new ideas in psychology, neuroscience, body work and spiritual paths test them out on myself and in groups then transmit them to others.

Bringing new ideas has been the key to my varied professional life from methods for teaching language during my careers in the British Council in Poland, Iraq and India then in Education in IBM France. To this I added experience of Body work through the Alexander technique then since 2001 the Feldenkrais method “Awareness through Movement”. My spiritual path has been through Buddhism and Zen retreats and now through Non-dual Satsangs.

And since the age of 21,  I have had an ongoing relationship with Therapy, starting with a Jungian Analysis,   moving into the Humanistic Movement in the 70’s to becoming an NLP Trainer in the 80’s and from there to Clean Processes.

The ideas I am currently including in my explorations with Clean are currently based on Don Siegel’s  “Mindsight”, Bruce Ecker’s “Memory Reconsolidation” research and Keagan’s “Immunity to Change” and most recently Dick Schwartz’s “ Internal Family Systems”

My mission as a Clean Therapist and Coach, is to create the conditions that allow individuals to explore their deeper motivations and desires, so that the difficulties and joys of their lives can reveal to them their own inner guidance, that deep inner knowing that we can lose contact with so easily in our unexplored inner conflicts and limiting beliefs.

I have created and maintained a strong Learning Community in France. The 15 people of the original Core Group have had from 5 – 10 years together experimenting and learning together. This gives us a safe support group to encourage our experiments in different fields, as you can see from the descriptions of the members in this annuaire. We continue to meet for our annual events sharing our latest work with each other.

We have created together a system of Certification and are now a registered Association for the promotion of Clean in France. All the new Trainers who emerged from the original Core Group invited me to evaluate with them on their final Module. This allowed me to see what was happening in the whole field we were creating. I am very grateful for their trust!





Avenue Guillaume Lefever 7, 1160 Auderghem, Belgique

Coach, formateur, facilitateur en Modélisation Symbolique

Coach exécutif et coach d’équipes, facilitateur et consultant qui travaille avec les dirigeants et les organisations à travers les cultures depuis 30 ans.

J’utilise la puissance du Clean Language et de la Modélisation Symbolique pour amener les individus et les organisations au cœur de ce qui compte vraiment, en faisant émerger les questions cruciales et en travaillant avec l’émergence



7 Quai Alfred Giard, Wimereux, France

Une apprenante du Clean Language curieuse et émerveillée

357 Boulevard de la Martille, Toulon, France

Therapeute Clean, Hupnose, IFS, Havening, à Paris, Toulon et en visio.

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